1. For barrier and immunity of enteric, select seemliness time and composition enteral nutrition is very importance . 由于肠道具有屏障、免疫等各项功能,因此恰当选择肠内营养的时机及给予合理营养成分是十分重要的。
2. He did so like to see seemliness, happiness, peace in everything, and I could have shown him all of us with pride. 他希望看到一切都是那么优雅、幸福、安宁,我将会自豪地让他看看我们。
3. One who is accustomed to depravity, on the contrary, always softens things, acts more disgustingly, but with a show of decorum and seemliness by which she claims to be superior to you. 惯于淫荡的人则恰恰相反,总是斯斯文文,干的却是更加卑鄙的坏事,不过表面上却装出一副循规蹈矩、彬彬有礼的样子,自以为比你们高明得多。
1. a sense of propriety and consideration for others