1. No, Emmanuel, I am but a man, and your admiration is as unmerited as your words are sacrilegious . 不,艾曼纽,我只是一个人,你的赞扬不当,你的话是亵渎神明的。
2. Those who are thus sacrilegious will suffer and be punished, for their own weapons will be turned against them. 那些以这种方式亵渎神圣的人们定会遭到报应和处罚的,因为他们的武器将会被用来对付他们自己。
3. can one hour have sufficed to prove to an architect that the work upon which he founded all his hopes was an impossible, if not a sacrilegious , undertaking? 难道一小时的时间就足以向一位建筑师证明:他那寄托着全部希望的工程,即使不是不可能,至少却是违反上帝旨意的吗?
1. grossly irreverent toward what is held to be sacred