1. And the Zen Buddist riddle: What is the sound of one hand clapping? 还有禅宗佛教徒的一个谜题:一只手的拍手声是怎样的?
2. Which offers the answer to another riddle: how and why does he do it? 这给另一个谜题提供了答案:他会如何以及为什么要做这件事?
3. The chameleon on a mirror riddle is best kept in idealized form as a thought experiment. 镜子上的变色龙之谜最好作为思想实验来保持其理想化的形式。
1. a difficult problem
2. a coarse sieve (as for gravel) v.
1. pierce with many holes
2. set a difficult problem or riddle
3. separate with a riddle, as grain from chaff
4. spread or diffuse through
5. speak in riddles
6. explain a riddle