1. he large quantity of fossils of the Yuanmou Man, the Lantian Man, the Peking Man, and the Upper Cave Man (Shandingdong Man), found in widespread sites in China. 此外,还发现了许多古人类化石,如年代稍晚的元谋人、蓝田人、北京人和山顶洞人等等,数量很多、分布地域也很广。
2. At the time, WHO said it would rewrite its pandemic definition to avoid announcing one. 当时,世卫组织说,它将改写流感大流行的定义,回避了宣布大流行。
3. And again I think we were dealing with Augustan propaganda with his ability to rewrite history after the time. 我认为我们再一次见识了屋大维的宣传能力他利用他的能力在改写他身后的历史。
4. "We will have to rewrite our understanding of its evolution, " she says. "We may have to add grass to the dioramas of dinosaurs we see in museums. “我们得重新书写对青草演变过程的理解,”她说,“我们也许要在博物馆展示的恐龙立体布景上添上青草。”
5. The words in the following requests and offers are jumbled. Rewrite the sentences so that they make sense. 下列句子里的词汇没有按顺序排列,请您将它们组成一个完整的句子。