1. Words you used are still reverberating in the ear also. 你以往的话语还依旧回荡在耳旁。
2. Last fall, recession-wary Americans more concerned about basics than bling began to lose interest in diamonds and other jewelry, and now the sales slump is reverberating around the world. 去年秋季,更注重基础需要而不是珠宝的美国人警觉到经济危机,开始对钻石和其它珠宝失去兴趣,销售下降的影响正在向全世界扩散。
3. Travel from distant, as if looking for a long time, suddenly back, Iraqis have felt Kingston Office. joy, rapid vibration of wings, the surrounding silence, reverberating humming of a song. 遥遥跋涉而来,仿佛寻觅了许久,蓦然回首,伊人已亭亭阑珊处。难抑欢欣,快速振动双翅,寂静的四野,回荡一片嗡嗡的鸣唱。