1. non-theistic religious naturalism, or what I call humanistic religious naturalism…combines religious humanism and religious naturalism. 非神宗教自然主义,我称之为人文宗教自然主义,由宗教人文主义及宗教自然主义结合而成。
2. Religious life becomes common customs, religious belief and religious values become moralization. 宗教生活世俗化,宗教信仰道德化,宗教价值观念现代化。
3. In the novel itself, the large number of religious terms and poems are the surface elements that led to the annotators' religious insights and comments, and the Chinese way of thinking is root. 《西游记》小说回目和文本中大量的宗教术语和诗词,是评点者以宗教眼光看待和评点《西游记》的最表层化的因素;中国文人以文证道的思维模式,是更为深入的内在原因;
4. The religious life of nunnery maybe the most typical of women's religious lives in the middle ages. 修女院的宗教生活可以说是西欧中世纪女性的宗教生活中最具特色的体现。
5. the government opposes religious freedom and persecutes religious people; 政府反对宗教自由,迫害宗教人士;
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Religious Deception And The Final Great Apostasy 宗教上的欺骗和最终的大叛教;