1. As a society, our reliance on burning fossil fuels to drive the kids down the street is disturbing. 作为一个社会,我们依靠燃烧矿物燃料来驱动的孩子在街上是令人不安的。
2. "Fear of legal action alone, he said, "cannot justify an employer's reliance on race" if it hurts qualified individuals. 担心单单合法行动不能证明雇主依靠种族的正当性,如果它会伤害有能力的人。
3. He said that China's "reliance on organs from executed convicts was certainly not an option that could withstand time, " and was open to abuse. 他说,中国“依靠死刑犯人的器官当然不是一种能够经受住时间考验的选择”,并且会为滥用这一选择敞开大门。
1. certainty based on past experience
2. the state of relying on something