1. The latest research suggests a more prosaic, democratic, even puritanical view of the world. 最新的研究推荐一个更平凡的、民主的、甚至清教徒式的世界观。
2. Portland is not a puritanical city. In fact, its tenderloin is extensive and worse than anything in San Francisco. 波特兰并不是个清教徒式的城市。其实,这个城市中贪官污吏大捞油水的现象泛滥成灾,甚至比旧金山还要严重。
3. Puritanical societies for "the suppression of vice" encouraged punitive laws against disorderly houses and streetwalking. 为了“抑制邪恶”清教徒社团鼓励对淫乱场所和街头卖淫行为实施惩罚性法律。
1. of or relating to Puritans or Puritanism
2. exaggeratedly proper
3. morally rigorous and strict