1. Used to the covering of industry building or house, under house and tunnel as well as the covering of wood-house or metal-house. 适用于民用与工业建筑的屋面及地下室、隧道等防水工程,同时还适用于木结构、金属结构屋面的防水工程。
2. Seaweed house is also called sea-moss house and kelp house. It gets its name by using seaweed grows along the coast of Shandong Peninsula to cover rooftops of the house. 海草房又名海苔房、海带草房因其以胶东沿海所产的海草为主要材料粘盖屋顶而得名。
3. Seaweed house is also called sea-moss house and kelp house. It gets its name by using seaweed grows along the coast of Shandong Peninsula to cover rooftops of the house. 海草房又名海苔房、海带草房,因其以胶东沿海所产的海草为主要材料粘盖屋顶而得名。
4. The old house demolition of the original action, such as the Long-two rooms share a family house, but he later sold to a new house, in suburban Chongming host the cousin's house. 原老房子动拆迁后,贺如龙分得了一套两室户的房子,不过后来他将新房卖了,寄住于郊县崇明的堂兄家中。
5. However long we are keepers of the public trust we should never forget that we are here as public servants and public service is a privilege. 无论多久我们只要身为大众信任的保卫者,我们应该永不忘记,我们在这里是公仆,而为公众服务是一种特权。
public law claims instituted by a foreign public body 外国公团体所提起的公法求偿;
consensus public opinion the public voice vox populi 舆论;
consensus public opinion the public voice vox populi 舆论;
Interworking between packet switched public data networks and public maritime mobile satellite data transmission systems 分组交换公用数据网和公用海事移动卫星数据传输系统之间的互通;