1. Present-day Oriental astrologers claim that children born during Dragon Years enjoy health, wealth, and long life. 现在东方诸国的占星家宣称在龙年期间出生的孩子享受健康,财富和长寿。
2. The present-day large scale production processes of these products are essentially scaled up versions of former domestic arts. 目前的这些产品的大规模生产过程完全是以前的家庭式生产方式的放大形式。
3. Neurohumoral processes of the brain are immensely intriguing to present-day research men, who expect to find in them the key to the most complex phenomena. 大脑的神经元介质过程激起了目前研究人员极大的兴趣,他们期望在这些过程中找到解决最复杂现象的答案。