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pound [paund]



    n. 英镑;重击,重击声;兽栏;拘留所
    vt. 捣烂;敲打;监禁,拘留
    vi. 连续重击,猛击



    1. Bet they give me a pound.
    2. I would still take my pound of flesh.
    3. The girl wheedled a pound out of her father.


      1. 16 ounces
      2. the basic unit of money in Great Britain; equal to 100 pence
      3. the basic unit of money in Syria; equal to 100 piasters
      4. the basic unit of money in the Sudan; equal to 100 piasters
      5. the basic unit of money in Lebanon; equal to 100 piasters
      6. formerly the basic unit of money in Ireland; equal to 100 pence
      7. the basic unit of money in Egypt; equal to 100 piasters
      8. the basic unit of money in Cyprus; equal to 100 cents
      9. a nontechnical unit of force equal to the mass of 1 pound with an acceleration of free fall equal to
      10. United States writer who lived in Europe; strongly influenced the development of modern literature (
      11. a public enclosure for stray or unlicensed dogs
      12. the act of pounding (delivering repeated heavy blows)
      1. hit hard with the hand, fist, or some heavy instrument
      2. strike or drive against with a heavy impact
      3. move heavily or clumsily
      4. move rhythmically
      5. partition off into compartments
      6. shut up or confine in any enclosure or within any bounds or limits
      7. place or shut up in a pound
      8. break down and crush by beating, as with a pestle


    英镑; 井号; 连续重击; 镑(英国、爱尔兰等);
    pound sterling
    英镑; 英镑(基里巴斯); 英镑(基里巴斯);
    Ezra Pound
    埃兹拉·庞德; 艾兹拉·庞德; 埃兹拉 庞德; 埃兹拉庞德;
    British Pound
    英镑; 英 镑;
    pound cake
    磅饼; 牛油蛋糕; 粉状蛋糕; 重糖重油蛋糕;


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