1. A plurality is one method of identifying the winning candidate in an election. 简单多数是美国大选中确定获胜候选人的方式之一。
2. First, the plurality stated that what constitutes a "significant" risk was a judgment for the agency to make and plainly involved policy considerations. 首先,多数人意见声称,构成“严重”危害的是一个机构所做的判决,以及明显地涉及到对政策的考虑。
3. "Plurality" means that nationality regional autonomy has power distribution nature, participation nature, reasonableness nature, and identification nature. 所谓“多元”就是指民族区域自治具有权力分配性、参与性、合理性、认同性。
1. the state of being plural
2. a large indefinite number
3. (in an election with more than 2 options) the number of votes for the candidate or party receiving t