1. I can get it for you. But what will you give me if I fetch your plaything? 我可以帮你拿回来。但是如果我把你的玩具找回来,你要给我什么呢?
2. We now serve them with this formal warning: Better be careful. This fire is not a plaything. Look out for your own skins! 我们正式警告他们说:放谨慎一点吧,这种火是不好玩的,仔细你们自己的脑袋。
3. There are two things a real man likes - danger and play; And he likes woman because she is the most dangerous of plaything. 有两样东西是真正的男子汉爱好的--危险与游玩;而男人之所以爱好女人,就是因为她正是最危险的玩意儿。