1. For this pious act they could obtain remission of all sins, for themselves or their relatives in purgatory. 由于这种虔诚的行为,他们可以为自己或亲戚在炼狱中免除所有的罪过。
2. Arabs are not becoming less pious, but the pious are beginning to question the point of participating in politics. 阿拉伯人不是越来越不虔诚,只是虔诚的人开始从怀疑的角度参与国家政治。
3. They are so free, so freely, or remain in the external walls of the Potala Palace Square, as a group of pious saints, holy day, listening to the gospel. 他们是那样自由、那样无拘无束地停留在布达拉宫外墙或广场上,如同一群虔诚的圣徒,每天聆听着圣洁的福音。
1. having or showing or expressing reverence for a deity
2. devoutly religious