1. About this time Jane Fairfax received the handsome gift of a pianoforte, anonymously given. 大约就在这个时候,简收到了一份厚礼,这是一架钢琴, 送礼者 不知何人。
2. Nothing soothe me more after a long and maddening course of pianoforte recital than to sit and have my teeth drill. 大约就在这个时候,简收到了一份厚礼,这是一架钢琴,送礼者不知何人。
3. Perhaps it's the hair. " Then he looked rather grave, and said, "Now I understand: you've been playing too many hairs on the pianoforte. 接下来,他看起来相当严肃地说:“现在我知道了,你把头发当作钢琴历代饿金属线来弹奏。”
1. a stringed instrument that is played by depressing keys that cause hammers to strike tuned strings a