1. The den upon which his eye now rested was abject, dirty, fetid, pestiferous, mean, sordid. 他眼睛现在注视的那个破烂住处却是丑陋、腌臜、恶臭难闻、黑暗、污秽的。
2. Worry too much before sexual intercourse, if fear to be pregnant, fear the gender is pestiferous etc, all but because the mood is depressed and happen impotent. 性交前过多担心,如害怕怀孕、害怕性传播疾病等,均可因情绪抑郁而发生阳痿。
3. This disease is a the gender is pestiferous kind, can exist at the same time with gonococcus sex urethritis or alternate infection, good hair fills period at young sex flourishing. 本病是性传播疾病的一种,可与淋菌性尿道炎同时存在或交叉感染,好发于青年性旺盛时期。
1. contaminated with infecting organisms
2. likely to spread and cause an epidemic disease
3. tending to corrupt or pervert
4. causing irritation or annoyance