1. There are two kinds of people in our world, the optimistic and the pessimistic. 在我们的生活的世界里存在着两种人,乐观者和悲观者。
2. In difficult or critical times some comrades often have doubts about the survival of Red political power and become pessimistic. 有些同志在困难和危急的时候,往往怀疑这样的红色政权的存在,而发生悲观的情绪。
3. Greenspan indicated he is pessimistic as to whether the United States and the larger world economy can avert a recession altogether. 格林斯潘指出,他对美国和整个世界经济是否能完全避免一次经济衰退,颇感悲观。
1. expecting the worst in this worst of all possible worlds