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    1. Settlement pay, severance pay, retirement pay and retirement living allowances received by public servants and workers under state uniform provisions;
    2. She is getting full pay for the first three months, half pay for the second three and then statutory pay.
    3. It asked its employees if they would rather work for a month on full pay, work for a month on no pay at all, or take a month off on no pay.
    4. In addition, the ideal wage makeup should comprise the base pay, post pay, longevity pay and bonus, and each part accounted for 21. 0%, 47. 3%, 6. 5% and 25. 2% respectively.
    5. Ira Kay of Watson Wyatt, a pay consultant, thinks it might, because rising pay on Wall Street in recent years led to higher pay elsewhere—a trend that may now operate in reverse.


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    Article 23 Teachers engaged in in-service education are entitled to leave and pay or leave without pay
    第23条 教师在职进修得享有带职带薪或留职停薪之保障;
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