1. But is it really legitimate to pour on the pathos and play on the jurors emotions in such a way? 但是,以这样一种方式去渲染痛苦煽动陪审员的情绪真的合乎情理吗?
2. Bringing to life this pathos of the fallen man has been a recurring theme in the best works that use Wall Street as center stage. 伊顿事业跌跤这样的情节与其引起的感伤,一再成为以华尔街为主要场景的佳作的主题。
3. I think that you, not forget, is full of pathos, these two feelings as a staple food of my life like I'm looking forward to the turn of the mind occupied. 以至于我在想你时,不是忘乎所以,便是缠绵悱恻,这两种情感像我生活中的主食一样,交替霸占我渴望的心灵。
1. a quality that arouses emotions (especially pity or sorrow)
2. a feeling of sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others
3. a style that has the power to evoke feelings
Pathos 百宝仕;
Pathos der Distanz 級距的激情;
Pathos-Slavdom 悲情斯拉夫;
The City of Pathos 白翼之都;
with the pathos of a half-fledged thing set free 我用爱怜的眼光看着你展开未丰的羽翼;