1. The entire metropolitan center possessed a high and mighty air calculated to overawe and abash the common applicant. 整个市中心区有着一种高傲的神气,好像故意要让一些前来寻找职业的普通人感到惶恐不安。
2. If a future Chinese government decides to use the string of new ports as naval bases, this does not necessarily mean Beijing is out to intimidate its neighbours and overawe the region. 如果未来的中国政府决定利用新建的港口作为海军基地,不一定意味着北京要威胁邻国或称霸一方。
3. The entire metropolitan centre possessed a high and mighty air calculated to overawe and abash the common applicant, and to make the gulf between poverty and success seem both wide and deep. 整个都市中心显出一种财大气粗,高不可攀的气势,为的是让那些普通的求职者望而生畏,不敢问津,也为的是让贫富之间的鸿沟显得又宽又深。
1. subdue, restrain, or overcome by affecting with a feeling of awe; frighten (as with threats)