1. Some African healers blame illness on witchcraft, which can lead to ostracism of those accused. 一些非洲医士将疾病归咎于巫术,这可能会导致病人受到其他人的排斥。
2. There is yet some good in public envy, whereas in private, there is none. For public envy, is as an ostracism, that eclipseth men, when they grow too great. 虽说私人间的嫉妒有百害而无一利,但公众的嫉妒却还有一点好处,因为它就像陶片放逐法①,可除去那些位高专权者,所以它对其他大人物亦是一种制约,可使他们循规蹈矩。
3. The proposal is a sharp break from the early days of the AIDS epidemic, when the stigma of the disease and the fear of social ostracism caused many people to avoid being tested. 这项建议相较于艾滋病流行的早些时候而言,是一个重大突破。从前,艾滋病本身被人们认为是道德上存在污点的表现,艾滋病患者为社会所排斥、放逐,这些都导致人们对艾滋病检测的回避。
1. the state of being banished or ostracized (excluded from society by general consent)
2. the act of excluding someone from society by general consent