1. When I moved to Oklahoma, I switched my allegiance to the Greek Festival — better street food! 当我搬到俄克拉何马州,我的拥戴转到了希腊节--因为街头食物更好!
2. A seven-year-old girl named Taylor in Oklahoma City started a business selling hand-painted hair clips. 一位住在奥克拉荷马市,名叫泰勒的七岁小女孩,做起了卖手绘发夹的生意。
3. Oklahoma city thunder team soon welcomes own new season, head's youth guards will initiate the impact specially by Duran to the playoff. 俄克拉荷马城雷霆队即将迎来自己的新赛季,以杜兰特为首的青年近卫军将向季后赛发起冲击。