1. He will officiate as chairman until a new one is appointed. 他将执行主席的职务直到任命新主席为止。
2. Today, we are most delighted to have the Honourable Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Henry Tang, to officiate. 承蒙政务司司长唐英年先生今天莅临主持奠基仪式,深感荣幸。
3. In the course of the Expo we are planning six missions to China led by Ministers, including the Prime Minister who will officiate at New Zealand's national day. 在世博会期间,我们计划将由部长们带领六个代表团访问中国,其中包括总理,他将亲自主持新西兰国家日的活动。
1. act in an official capacity in a ceremony or religious ritual, such as a wedding
2. perform duties attached to a particular office or place or function
officiate 执行;
officiate at 主持;
officiate as 担任;
emcee master of a ceremonies or a propramme officiate 司仪;
administer enforce execute implement officiate perform transact carry out 执行;