crime 指严重的违法行为或罪行。 sin 主要指违反道德原则或违反宗教戒律的过失或罪过行为。 guilt 多用于指违反道德或社会标准的不法行为,含应予惩办之意。这种惩办是以证据为根据的。 offence 使用广,可泛指对任何规则、道德标准、法律、纪律等的违反与触犯,其罪行可重可轻。 violation 指违背誓言、条约、规则以及良心等,也指侵犯权利。
1. The best defence is not offence. 最好的防守不是进攻。
2. Repetition of a libel is an offence. 重复诽谤是一种犯罪行为。
3. Driving without a licence is an offence. 开车没有执照就是一项犯罪。
1. the action of attacking an enemy
2. the team that has the ball (or puck) and is trying to score
3. a feeling of anger caused by being offended
4. a lack of politeness; a failure to show regard for others; wounding the feelings or others
5. a crime less serious than a felony