1. Falling from grace is when you believe that salvation depends on observing certain decorum. “从恩典中坠落”是当你相信要得救恩就要奉行某种礼仪。
2. But just in case we are observing yet another expedient shift, it might be a good idea to understand precisely why socialism is a bad idea. 但是为了以防万一,我们有必要谈一下另一种转变,那就是准确理解社会主义的荒诞可能是一个好主意。
3. Date are reliable when two independent observers using the same definitions and observing the same teacher at the same time produce similar records. 资料的可靠是当两个独立的观察者使用相同定义在相同时间观察相同老师得到相似的记录。
1. quick to notice; showing quick and keen perception