1. We will consider dependent power sources in which case the networks are nonreciprocal. 我们将考虑有非独立电源的情况,那时网络是不可逆的。
2. A novel method is proposed for fault diagnosis of linearly nonreciprocal analog circuits. 本文提出一种用最大秩逆矩阵诊断线性模拟电路故障的新方法。
3. The eigen permeabilities and eigen waves of the basic transmission modes are deduced, which play intrinsical roles in the propagation of plane waves in nonreciprocal medium. 导出了平面波在非互易媒质中传播时,起本质作用的本征导磁率和基本传输模式本征波,本征导磁率对应本征波中的传输常数。