bare 指缺少必要的遮盖物。用于人时,多指身体的部分裸露。 naked 指全身一丝不挂,暴露无遗。 bald 指头上无发,山坡无树无草,树顶无叶。 barren 着重缺少肥力或生活能力,无草无木,荒瘠不毛。
1. The light that plays, like a naked child. 游戏者的光,宛如一各赤裸的小孩。
2. Naked came I into the world, and naked must I go out. 我赤裸裸的来到这个世界,我必须赤裸裸的离开。
3. As you dance you pretend you are not practically naked, and you are what is accepted as virtuous but men call cold. 你跳舞时,装成实际上并不是裸体的,而是人们所公认的符合道德的样子,但男人认为不够味儿。
1. completely unclothed
2. having no protecting or concealing cover
3. (of the eye or ear e.g.) without the aid of an optical or acoustical device or instrument
4. devoid of elaboration or diminution or concealment; bare and pure
5. lacking any cover