1. "What?" The spirit gaped at the murk. “ / ”什麽 “? 精神在黝暗裂开。
2. The psychological thriller "Murk" tells the story of Jacob, who is investigating into the circumstances surrounding his sister's death on her wedding night. 这是一部心理惊栗电影,讲述积克调查妹妹在新婚夜死亡的故事。
3. Although, in theory, the monarchy inhabits a realm far above the murk of daily government, it has been an important source of legitimacy for the unelected prime minister. 虽然,君主制在理论上超脱于昏暗的日常政治之上,但它却是赋予阿披实这位未经选举而上台的总理合法性的重要来源。
1. an atmosphere in which visibility is reduced because of a cloud of some substance
2. make dark, dim, or gloomy