1. This has provided holland lucking of the mater power, energy remvce the use wind power munificent compensation. 这就给缺乏水力、能源的荷兰,提供了利用风力的优厚补偿。
2. In this shabby house, is it possible to have a guy who is worthy of being invited gingerly with munificent presents to be in the vital post? 在这样破旧的房子里,怎么会有人值得鲁王这么慎重,以厚礼邀其出任要职呢?
3. Mr. President, don't be fooled by IT vendors telling (false) tales of munificent and magnificent skills with their heath information system development. 总统先生,别让那些IT开发商骗了,他们说他们开发医疗信息 系统的能力强大无比,事实并非如此。