1. Matrimonial rape is an important question in our law study at home now. 婚内强奸是目前国内法学研究的一大热点问题。
2. Suffren insisted that his matrimonial bureau was a perfect arrangement and far better for his men than hasty visits to brothels when in port. 德苏弗朗坚称,他的婚姻服务处是个完美的安排,对他的手下来说,远胜于泊港时匆匆上妓院。
3. On the contrary, clichés and unsubstantial lies dramatically reduce credibility, which should be averted, according to a source from the matrimonial company. 然而千篇一律的套话和不能兑现的假话将会大大降低自身的信誉度,所以应该尽量避免。