masculine 指有男子特征的,阳刚的。用于形容女性时,含轻蔑意味。 male 单纯指男性或雄性。 manly 指适合男子的、有男子汉气慨的。
1. The Female equally with the Male I sing. 而且,与男性平等,女性我也歌唱。
2. Most girls have more body hair than you, if you are male. 如果你是男的,大部分的女人会比你有更多的体毛。
3. Objective:To study the relationship between the chromosome aberration and the male infertility. 目的研究男性染色体异常与男性不育之间的关系。
1. an animal that produces gametes (spermatozoa) that can fertilize female gametes (ova)
2. a person who belongs to the sex that cannot have babies
3. the capital of Maldives in the center of the islands adj.
1. being the sex (of plant or animal) that produces gametes (spermatozoa) that perform the fertilizing
2. characteristic of a man
3. for or pertaining to or composed of men or boys