1. It is more a made-up story than a real occurrence. 那是杜撰的故事,而不是真实发生的事情。
2. Recciently people pay more attention to the literature place of not-made-up compositions. 近期,人们开始对非虚构写作在文学中的地位加以注意。
3. Working at an international pharmaceutical firm, Yu looks older than she is and her heavily made-up face always has an exhausted look. 现任职于某国际制药公司的她,看上去要比实际年龄成熟得多,画着浓妆的脸上总是带着疲惫的神情。
1. formed or conceived by the imagination
2. having been paved
3. marked by the use of makeup
4. formed by fitting or joining components together