low 指行为卑鄙、可耻、下文明,可引申指庸俗。 mean 暗示狠毒、贪婪、缺乏尊严感等为人们所不耻的卑鄙、自私、渺小的行为。 cheap 侧旨人或物的品质低劣下贱。 shabby 指行为的不公和卑劣而使人感到不屑和轻蔑。
1. The plane flew low over the houses. 飞机低低地飞过一栋栋房屋。
2. I was feeling low. 我的感觉是偏低。
3. Low blood pressure, what should anaemia eat? 低血压,又贫血该吃些什么呢?
1. an air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation
2. British political cartoonist (born in New Zealand) who created the character Colonel Blimp (1891-196
3. a low level or position or degree
4. the lowest forward gear ratio in the gear box of a motor vehicle; used to start a car moving v.
1. make a low noise, characteristic of bovines
2. less than normal in degree or intensity or amount
3. literal meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension
4. very low in volume
5. unrefined in character
6. used of sounds and voices; low in pitch or frequency
7. of the most contemptible kind
8. low or inferior in station or quality
9. no longer sufficient
10. subdued or brought low in condition or status
11. low in spirits
12. being the gear producing the lowest drive speed adv.
1. in a low position; near the ground