1. If not believe in love, how should we pass the longness of our lives? 如果不信爱,我们该如何度过人生的漫长?
2. Compared the current samples with the standard sample from DIN912, the different point is the screw thread are more longness than standard sample. 当前的样品和标准样品DIN912相比,不同之处是螺纹的长度大于标准样品。
3. The less-sheared regions caused by friction resistance are observed at lower and top parts, which are symmetric and gradually extend to the inner part along the sample longness. 受摩擦阻力的影响,试样顶部和底部均出现了滞变区,该区域呈轴对称分布且沿试样长度方向逐渐向试样芯部扩展;
1. the property of being of long spatial extent
2. duration as an extension