1. Mosquito struggled the heavy reference books into her locker. 蚊子使劲把沈重的参考书搬进她的储物柜。
2. Even when I shower, I get to my next class wet, and probably smelling like a locker room. 即使淋浴之后,我去上下一节课时还浑身是汗,并闻起来大概有更衣室的气味。
3. But, she added, it had been stolen from her locker at school (she was a teacher) more than a year before. 但是,她补充说,伞一年多前被人从学校的柜子里偷走了(她是个教师)。
1. a storage compartment for clothes and valuables; usually it has a lock
2. a fastener that locks or closes
3. a trunk for storing personal possessions; usually kept at the foot of a bed (as in a barracks)