1. They are all a hotchpotch of greatness and littleness, of virtue and vice, of nobility and baseness. 他们皆是伟大与渺小,善良与邪恶,高贵与低*的混合体。
2. Everything here was giant size but reduced to the appearance of littleness by the tremendous space around us. 这儿一切都是巨型的,但在我们周围惊人的空间中显得微小。
3. I am a great gentleman, walking through the world with dauntless heart and head erect, scornful of all meanness, impatient of all littleness. 我是一个伟大的绅士,带着一颗勇往直前的心,昂首挺胸地行走于人世间,嘲讽一切鄙俗之事,唾弃一切卑鄙小人。
1. the property of having a relatively small size
2. the property of having relatively little strength or vigor
3. lack of generosity in trifling matters