1. Author believes that circumfuse the criticism for Fascist, "western Marxism" has three models: institution criticism, mentality criticism and social relationship criticism. 笔者认为围绕对法西斯主义的批判,“西方马克思主义”有三个思路或模式,即:制度批判、心理批判和社会关系批判;
2. Plekhanov had put forward the essence of literary class nature and social utility nature, applying the principle of literary class nature to literary criticism. 普列汉诺夫文艺思想的一个重要支点是强调文艺的阶级性与社会功利性的本质,将文艺的阶级性原则运用于文艺批评。
3. In compiling teaching materials of literary theory, the literary concept of substituting literary existence for literary essentialism is worth advocating. 以文学存在方式代替文学本质作为文学理论教材编写中的基本文学观念值得提倡。
4. Methodologically, this study should take the modern category, system and criticism into consideration and put itself in the domain of the world literary criticism. 在方法论上,中国古代文论研究要从现代意义上的范畴、体系和论证方法来领会,使其与当今全球文论的研究具有可通约性。
5. Hu Feng's Fiction Criticism had obvious perceptual features as a whole, which indicated his active imaginal thinking in literary criticism. 胡风的小说批评就整体而言具有比较明显的感性特色,这说明胡风在从事文学批评时,其形象思维仍然保持一定的活跃性。