1. Its purpose is to liquefy the semen to release sperm, freeing them to fertilize an egg. 它的作用是溶解精液释放精子,使其易于和卵子受精。
2. Such projects super-cool natural gas to liquefy it so it can be transported by ship to far-flung markets. 该项目对天然气进行超低冷冻处理,使其能够依靠船只销售到更远的市场。
3. So isn't it a good investment to figure out ways to burn and liquefy coal that consume less energy and cause less pollution? 比如,中国正在建造数百座新的火力发电站,因此,这种途径不也是一种研究煤燃烧和液化中怎样消耗更少能源并产生更少污染的一个好投资吗?
1. become liquid
2. make (a solid substance) liquid, as by heating
3. become liquid or fluid when heated