1. Ghosts will simply levitate over the water. 鬼魂只是悬浮在水面上方。
2. Description: This charm allows the spell-caster to levitate an object and navigate it through the air. 描述:这个咒语能够使被施咒物体飘浮起来,施咒人亦能操控物体飘浮。
3. Silent Resolvehis talent now affects Surge of Light, Power Infusion, Inspiration, Spirit Tap, Blackout, Levitate, Shackle Undead, Touch of Weakness, Hex of Weakness, and Symbol of Hope. 无声消退:此天赋现在影响“圣光涌动”,“能量灌注”,“灵感”,“精神分流”,“晕厥”,“漂浮术”,“束缚亡灵”,“虚弱之触”,“虚弱妖术”,“希望符记”。
1. cause to rise in the air and float, as if in defiance of gravity
2. be suspended in the air, as if in defiance of gravity