1. Even if it is a fantasy or on illusion, so long as it shows a ray of hope it still urges you on in pursuit of that little sparkle without letup. 不管是望梅止渴,还是画饼充饥,它都会激励你不停手中的浆,去追逐哪怕一星微小的火光。
2. As one of the cradles of human civilization, China has all along maintained its cultural tradition without letup in its history of several thousand years. 中国作为人类文明发样地之一,在几千年的历史进程中,文化传统始终没有中断。
3. As one of the cradles of human civilization, China has all along maintained its cultural tradition without letup in the history of several thousand years. 中国作为人类文明发祥地之一,在几千年的历史进程中,文化传统始终没有中断。
1. a pause during which things are calm or activities are diminished
letup 停止;
放松 ,停顿;
laxation letup slack off take it easy 松懈;
pause abeyance ceasing cutoff discontinuance hang letup suspend break down 中止;