1. play smoothly or legato; of musical passages. 连续的演奏;用于音乐章节。
2. The instrument will behave completely different when played 'staccato' than when played 'legato'. 以断奏和连奏方式演奏键盘可以得到完全不同的效果。
3. Legato. 'And as your thinking improves, your immune system improves, your digestion is better, you don't compensate byovereating or drinking, and your anxiety levels go down. 你的想法改善了之后,你的免疫系统也会得到改善,你的消化能力会更好,你不需要通过多吃多喝来弥补营养,你的焦虑感就会降低。
1. (music) without breaks between notes; smooth and connected
2. connecting the notes; in music