1. I never knew that the romance between one couple could be a lacrimation; 我从来不知道两个人的浪漫可以变成这么强大的催泪弹;
2. Indications: Twitching of eyelids, pain and swelling in the eyes, lacrimation with wind, night blindness, deviated eye and mouth. 眼睑瞤动,目赤肿痛,迎风流泪,目翳,口眼喎斜。
3. Bronchial carcinoid tumors may be manifested by severe and prolonged flushing episodes, facial and periorbital edema, excessive lacrimation, salivation, tachycardia, and hypotension. 支气管类癌综合征可以表现为严重的长时间的潮红、面部和眶周水肿、过度流泪、心动过速或低血压。