1. People uses 4 decorative thread commonly on metope previously: The shade horn line, line that hang lens (picturesque scene line) , lumbar line and the line that play a base. 以前人们在墙面上一般采用四道装饰线:阴角线、挂镜线(画镜线)、腰线和踢脚线。
2. We supply all kinds of steel mill finish line equipments such as slitting line , recoil trimming line, tension level line , cleaning line, steering equipments for EPC and CPC. 本公司承制冷轧钢厂各式各样生产设备,如:分条机,清洗机,修边机,钢带纠偏机(EPC,CPC),张力整平生产线,钢带重捲生产线。
3. Ooh, You cut me open and I…keep bleeding, keep, keep bleeding love. 哦,你把我切开,而我…不断流血,不断、不断的流血,亲爱的。
4. Keep out of reach of children, Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Keep container tightly closed and sealed until ready for use. 不要存放于儿童可触及的地方,保持库房阴凉通风,远离火源(火花或火焰)使用前请保持密封。
5. Cap line: The top framework line for constructing the capital letters. Many designs choose that the ascender line to be their cap line as well. 大写顶线:英文大写字母架构的顶线。很多字体设计用上升笔划作为大写字母的顶线。
disguise hide hold back hush up keep back keep from keep in 隐瞒;
disguise hide hold back hush up keep back keep from keep in 隐瞒;
keep one's head above water keep oneself above water 不负债;
button up one's lip hold out on keep a secret keep to oneself 保守秘密;