1. Zoe, our annoying employer, joined the joyride . 我们那讨人厌的老板佐伊,参加了这次的出游。
2. A police dashboard camera caught the preteen out for a joyride. 一个警用仪表盘摄影机记录下了这个未成年人飙车的过程。
3. The 18-year-old recruit came off the road in his first tank joyride attempt, then went back and sped off with another. His journey stopped when he hit a tree. 这名18岁的小兵驾驶第一辆坦克上路后不久就冲出公路,于是返回兵营又开出一辆坦克,他的逍遥旅程直到撞上一棵路边树后才告结束。
1. a ride in a car taken solely for pleasure
2. ride in a car with no particular goal and just for the pleasure of it