attend,join,participate,take part in
attend 侧重参加或出席会议或学术活动等。 join 普通用词,指加入党派、团体或游戏活动等。 participate 正式用词,特指参加团体活动,暗示以一个积极的角色参加。 take part in 侧重参加某项群众性、集体性的事业、工作或活动,突出参加者在其中发挥一定的作用。
1. How do you join these broken pieces together? 你是如何将这些碎片连接起来的?
2. Can other people in my household join? 我家里的其他人也能参加吗?
3. Community to join in the game, just such a game as a product. 社区中加入游戏,还只是把这样的游戏作为一种产品。
1. the shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made
2. a set containing all and only the members of two or more given sets v.
1. become part of; become a member of a group or organization
2. cause to become joined or linked
3. come into the company of
4. make contact or come together
5. be or become joined or united or linked