1. Electrons can jiggle and wiggle in a more energetic manner. 原子能以更有力的方式旋转与振动。
2. To the toad, the garden must be a gray screen on which things show only when they jiggle . 这花园在蟾蜍看来必定是一张灰色的屏幕,屏幕上的东西只有在轻轻移动时,它才看得见。
3. These push-pull, or P, waves are the first to jiggle seismometer needles, so the textbook seismogram starts off with a series of intense spikes and dips and then quiets down. 这些因压缩而产生的疏密波(纵波),称为P波,是会最快引发地震仪振动的震波,因此,教科书上的震波图,刚开始的震动都是一连串剧烈的上升与下降,然后又归于平静。
1. a slight irregular shaking motion
2. move to and fro