jewel 多指贵重的宝石,是经过切削打磨,通常镶嵌在胸针、项链或其它装饰物上的玉。 jewel lery是珠宝的总称,泛指各类珠宝,既指佩带或衣服的珠宝饰物,又指用普通金属、塑料或假宝石制作的装饰物。 stone 特别强调稀少罕见或值钱的矿物。 gem 指经切割、磨光的宝石,引申指珍品、佳作。
1. Forgiveness works like a dazzling jewel to dispel the darkness of wrong belief. 宽恕就像一颗灿烂的宝石能驱散错误信念的黑暗。
2. Sadly, the bird takes the jewel to the girl. It puts it into her hand. She is very happy to see it. 小鸟很伤心地把这颗宝石带去给那个女孩。它把这颗宝石放在她手中。小女孩看到宝石好高兴喔。
3. You enter the castle and saw a pool of murky water with shining jewels floating on it…Will you pick up the jewel? (YES/NO. 你走进城堡,看见一个游泳池,黑暗的水面上飘浮着很多闪闪发光的宝石,你会捡起这些宝石吗?(是/不)是。
1. a precious or semiprecious stone incorporated into a piece of jewelry
2. a person who is a brilliant and precious as a piece of jewelry v.
1. adorn or decorate with precious stones