1. Step 2: you imitate the rhythm and intonate and express it in Da Di Da Da. 你模仿某一句的节奏,用哒嘀哒哒之类的表示出来。
2. With quite an old pen, I want to write out a long-lasting story to intonate my dream, my ever faith , and my ever perseverence. 我想用一只最古典的笔写不老的歌来吟唱梦想,吟唱曾有过的信念与执着。
3. Teachers at Hua make tremendous effort in guiding and coaxing students to pronounce, stress, and intonate words, phrases, and sentences correctly. 花老师的老师们致力于引导我们的学生如何把字音、片语、甚至句音的发音、重音、及语调正确的表达出来。
1. speak carefully, as with rising and falling pitch or in a particular tone
2. recite with musical intonation; recite as a chant or a psalm