1. Wear ear protectors (ear plugs or ear muffs) to prevent hearing loss or noise induces deafness when exposed to noise level above 85dB(A). 当处在噪音水平高达85分贝或以上时,须戴护耳配备(耳塞或耳罩)以防听觉受损或耳聋。
2. It effectively kills ear mites and ear ticks , plus aids in the removel of ear wax. 除耳蚤剂有效地杀除耳蚤及有助清楚耳垢。
3. A ear recognition method was proposed which combines the shape feature of outer ear contour with the structural feature of inner ear. 针对人耳的生物特征提出了一种人耳的形状特征和结构特征相结合的识别方法。
4. Correct ears for the Standard variety are either the naturally erect ear, the cropped ear, or the button ear. 标准曼彻斯特梗的耳朵允许是立耳、剪耳或纽扣耳。
5. The internal audit agency shall oversee and inspect the efficiency of the internal control system in the process of oversights carried out through internal audits. 内部审计机构应当结合内部审计监督,对内部控制的有效性进行监督检查。
ear give audience to give ear to hearken lend an attentive ear to listen attentively to 倾听;
ear give audience to give ear to hearken lend an attentive ear to listen attentively to 倾听;
ear give audience to give ear to hearken lend an attentive ear to listen attentively to 倾听;
ear give audience to give ear to hearken lend an attentive ear to listen attentively to 倾听;