1. The effusiveness and time spent in giving praise should be commensurate with the difficulty and time-intensiveness of the task. 表扬用的时间和言语应该和该任务的困难程度和时间强度一致。
2. The effusiveness and time spent in giving praise should be commensurate with the difficulty and time-intensiveness of the task. 表扬花的时间和吐露应该和该任务的困难程度和时间强度一致。
3. In other words, it is in the transitional period from extensiveness to intensiveness. 或者说,是处于粗放型向集约型转变的过渡时期。
4. The Siku Quanshu Huiyao is a book compiled with the selectness of the Siku Quanshu. Compared with the two books, the former is prominent for its extensiveness and the latter for its intensiveness. 《四库全书荟要》是《四库全书》的精选本,与《四库全书》相比较,二者一极其精,一极其博,互为补充,相得益彰。